Showing posts with label Termux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Termux. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A python script to scrape today's trending Instagram hashtags

Scrape Trending Hashtags

Scrape Trending Hashtags

Here's a simple Python script using the requests and BeautifulSoup libraries to scrape the top 30 trending hashtags from a website. You can run this script in Termux:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def get_trending_hashtags(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
    hashtags = []
    for tag in soup.find_all('a', class_='hashtag'):
        if len(hashtags) >= 30:
    return hashtags

if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = ''  
    # Replace with the actual URL
    trending_hashtags = get_trending_hashtags(url)
    for i, hashtag in enumerate(trending_hashtags, 1):
        print(f"{i}. {hashtag}")

Steps to Run the Script in Termux:

  1. Install Python and Required Libraries:
    pkg install python
    pip install requests beautifulsoup4
  2. Save the Script:

    Save the above script in a file, for example,

  3. Run the Script:


  • Replace '' with the actual URL of the website you want to scrape.
  • Ensure the website allows web scraping by checking its robots.txt file or terms of service.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Package Management

 Termux uses apt and dpkg for package management, similar to Ubuntu or Debian.

Working with packages

Installing packages from APT repository

In Termux it is recommended to use package manager pkg which is a wrapper for apt. It simplifies installing or upgrading packages by automatically updating apt lists so you don't have to type apt update when installing or upgrading packages.

Install package:

pkg install [package name]

Remove package:

pkg uninstall [package name]

List all packages:

pkg list-all

Upgrading packages:

pkg upgrade

Important: before installing anything, ensure that all packages are up-to-date. Additionally, we suggesting to check for updates at least once a week. We use rolling-release updates style and do not care about compatibility of more than between current and previous versions. If you have not upgraded your Termux installation for long time and now experience errors when running package manager, the easiest way to fix will be complete reinstallation.

For more information about available commands you can either just run pkg without arguments or like this: pkg help.

Manual installation of *.deb files

If you have a *.deb package file, you can install it with dpkg. Note that packages downloaded from Ubuntu or from repositories of other Linux distributions will not work due to incompatible libc ABI, however statically compiled binaries may work.


dpkg -i ./package.deb


dpkg --remove [package name]

Listing all installed packages:

dpkg -l

Since dpkg has many useful options, you may want to see it's manual via man dpkg.

Official repositories

Some repositories can be enabled by installing packages ending with -repo. The repositories that can be accessed in this way at the time of writing are

RepositoryCommand to subscribe to repository
game-packagespkg install game-repo
science-packagespkg install science-repo
termux-root-packagespkg install root-repo
x11-packages (Android 7+ only)pkg install x11-repo
unstable-packages (Android 7+ only)pkg install unstable-repo

For a repository to be considered official it needs to have build scripts for cross-compilation available for all hosted packages. Packages built on device and thereafter packaged with termux-create-package can therefore not be included in the official repositories.

All the repositories with build scripts in a repo at are maintained and signed by someone on the termux team, the keys used for signing are available in the package termux-keyring. For more information about how the repositories are signed, see termux-keyring.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Termux Commands list

 Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment Android app that works directly with root and without root. A Terminal base system is installed automatically – additional packages are available using the APT package manager.

There are Some Basic Command for Termux Emulator. If you already use any Linux system and you know any Linux OS commands you can easily learn these Termux commands.

Termux – Clear Screen

For clear all screen content run the clear command.


Termux – Current Working Directory

This command will tell you, your current working directory.


Termux – Changing Directory

cd command use for change our current working directory to another directory, type cd and your directory name. I’m moving in /home directory.

cd /home

Termux – Move Back Directory

If you want one directory to move back by using cd .. you can easily back one directory. and you wanna back two directories use the cd ../../ command.

cd ..
cd ../../

Termux – Create New File

by using the touch command we can easily create a file

touch <file-name>

Termux – Create New Directory

Mkdir Stands for creating a new directory. Let’s Type the mkdir command and give a directory and using a space gape and hit the enter button.

mkdir <new-directoy-name>

Termux – Delete Directory

delete any directory by using the command, just type the rmdir <delete directory-name> and press enter and it will be deleted. delete the directory and their contents recursively rm -r < directory-name >

rmdir <directory-name>
rm -r <directory-name>

Termux – Delete File

delete any file type the rm <your-filename> and press enter and it will be deleted within a second.

rm <file-name>

Termux – Rename File and Directory & Move a File

The mv command is a Linux command-line utility that moves files or directories from one place to another. rename filename type the command mv <old-filename> <new-filename>

mv <old-filename> <new-overwirte-filename>
mv -r <currnet-file-location> <your-new-destination-directory>

Termux – Copy File and Directory

copy file source to destination. this is another Linux command-line utility for copy file and directory. if you want to copy a directory you must use cp -r copy directories and their contents recursively.

cp <filename> <new-filename>
cp -r <directory-name> <new-directory-name>

Termux – File Editor nano and VI

Termux has many command-line editors but there have most useful editor vi and nano. if you already have a file run the vi <filename> enter the edit mode by pressing ( i ) after edit the file press the ESC button and type ( :wq ) write and quite. read more about vi editor.

nano is another Termux editor type nano <filename> edit your file and save the file by using ( Ctrl+x ) and type y for yes and again hit enter and your file is saved.

vi <filename>
nano <filename>

Termux – Read File Content cat command

Run the cat command with using extra argument <your-read-file-name> and everything is see in terminal inside the text file.

cat <filename>

Termux – All running background Process Top command

Know all running processes in Termux you can easily see all running processes by using the top command.


Termux – Change Permission and Group

you can easily change every file permission and change file ownership group and user. for adding execute permission to run the command. ( chmod +x <file-name> ) if you want to change file ownership run the command ( chown newuser:newgroup <filename>.

chmod (permission-mode) <filename>
chown (newuser:newgroup) <filename>

Termux – Clone Source code from Github

Download new project and cloning project from git hub run the command.

git clone <cloning url>

Termux – Download File wget and curl

If you want to download the file through the terminal. there are many download tools but we are mostly using these tools. wget and curl you can download every file from the internet by using those tools.

wget <download-file-url>
curl <download-file-url> -o <output-filename>

Termux – history All Previous run Command

checking all previous run command.


Termux Packages Command

List all installed Packages

The command will display a list of all installed packages including the packages versions.

dpkg --list
Install New Package

installing a new package let’s try one example install python3. run the command < pkg install python3 > and you see a promote type y for yes and your package is install soon. it depends on your internet speed.

pkg install <package-name>
Remove Installed Package

you can uninstall any package from the list, just type pkg remove and <remove-package-name>.it will ask you. if you wanna delete the package press y or not n After type y the package will be removed automatically.

pkg remove <remove-package-name>
Update all packages

update all old installed package

apt update && apt upgrade -y
Update New added Package mirrors

If you add a new repository in your source.list file. before installing a new package you just need run the apt update command.

apt update